Western Massachusetts Grains, Grown in Long Term Organic Rotation

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ideas for processing your grain

There is a lot of information out there about using whole grains. Because we have had a lot of requests from people about how we process our grain, the following picutres are intended to give people a starting point for looking into different ways to use whole wheatberries and other grains.

Sprouted: You can sprout grain as you would other sprouts in a mason jar, by soaking the grains and then rinsing them a couple of times a day until they sprout. Sprouted grains can be used in salads, sprouted breads and pancakes, and more. Also, you can make wheatgrass!

Cooked as whole berries in a pot, crock pot or rice cooker : You can cook whole berries in much the same way you cook rice, the ratio of water to grain is a little higher - 2.5 to 1 instead of 2 to 1. Cooked berries can be used in salads, added to yoghurt, soups, caseroles etc.

Milled: Home mills are readily available and range from about $100 to 600+ above - a "Family Grain Mill" which comes with a flaker attachment, so you can make cerial.

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